

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

WiP - ballerinas

There is slight progress on my Ballerina's neighborhood quilt. Last week I made one as a trial to see if it works. I cut the remaining colors and chain pieced the pieces into rows. I divided the house into three and I have pretty little stack to be sewed.

There are at least two more quilt I want to start but I'm holding back. I have the fabrics ready but I just have to finish the Newspaper quilt first. I'm not doing any FMQ. Just very simple quilting. I had to repin one side as the fleece on back moved a bit. Yeah it's the fleece that scares me away but I love the snugly feel. I just want to sew around few rectangles and that's it. I prepared the binding so I'm ready to work on that one. I only have tiny scraps from that quilt so I had to choose something else. I didn't like any blue fabrics from my stash so I'm going with stripes again.

That's the top.
In between these quilting adventures I like to work on small projects. So there were few finishes during the past week. I joined the Modern Mini Quilt Challenge. Plus I finished two projects that were lying on my table - paper boat pouch and lavender ornament house.

Last week I was asking for an advice on my commenting problem. I wasn't able to comment on some blogs and I had no idea what to do with it. My dear friend Sandra figured out all those blogs are powered by WordPress. Apparently my comments were going into spam. I found this discussion. I sent my request to akismet and it's all fixed. Thanks Sandra!

Linking up with WiP Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Good on you for getting stuck into the quilting and getting it finished! A fleece backing is always so nice and snuggly!

  2. Love the ballerina and newspaper quilts! The colours are fantastic!

  3. Máš krásné věcičky, jen tak dál. Kde přibližně žiješ? Já jsem z Uh. Hradiště.

  4. Bloggers are so very helpful aren't they?! I love the paper boat pouch:) I would be cautious around that fleece too. Walking foot does wonders:)

  5. Beautiful projects! I The boat and house are lovely and your newspaper quilt and ballerina strips look great. I like your fabric choices :)

  6. Anonymous19/6/13 20:15

    The blue quilt top is amazing. I am blown away by the monochromatic effect. So striking.

  7. The things we do for snugly fleece :-) I really like the fabrics you are using for your ballerinas. Lovely WIPs - thanks for sharing!

  8. Wow! Your last three projects look so professionally perfect!!!! So soft and sophisticated!

  9. I'm glad your commenting problem has been solved :) Your ballerina quilt is going to be so pretty -- you'll save a lot of time by chain-piecing where you can! How's Newspaper coming along - have you gotten the quilting done yet? I haven't even touched my owl quilt for this month - it's been sitting on the table for a while, patiently waiting it's turn - I really need to get my butt in gear - June is almost over!

  10. Your paper boat is adorable!


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