

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July round up

At the beginning of July I set up a list of 10 things this summer. I tried to stick with the list. It more less concentrate on the plan I already had. Finish those things I have started and clean up a bit.
First I finished the pile of mug rugs. I made ten in total. They all cute and each one is different. Perfect little gift for any occasion. Pattern by The Patchsmith.

I cleaned up my sewing corner a bit so I was actually able to quilt there. I used to bring it over to kitchen table but not this time around. Here is what it looks like and more pics here.

#1 Diamond Tread - DONE

#2 Ballerinas quilt - not much progress

#3 Crib size quilt - DONE (I changed my plan a bit but I'm happy with the outcome so it's all righ)

#5, 6, 7 and 8 no progress what so ever so I'm gonna work on those during August
#9 Photo gallery is in progress, you can find the Quilt page up there
#10 DONE - my machine was serviced and is happily back in use

Plus I took part in this month's Le Challenge and I won it. My prize arrived already so I'll share that soon. Here's what I created for the theme Toffee.

I made some sleeping bags out of trial quilting piece and Christmas pouch for Across the Pond SAL.

Linking up with
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Lily's Quilts


  1. wow that is quite the list of finished does help to make and list and work thru...well it works for me

  2. Those ballerinas are adorable! And your diamond tread quilt backing is great!!

  3. You got a lot done - I want to eat your toffee projects :D I'll be watching for the ballerinas to progress - those blocks are just SO adorable :D

  4. you have been so busy :-) I love your ballerinas!

  5. All so lovely...and the best part of Christmas in July is that, even if you make something at the END of July, you are still way ahead of schedule! At least that's my logic. :0)

  6. Gorgeous makes - your quilts are adorable, I love the quilting on the crib quilt!

  7. I've just popped over from the Fresh Sewing Day linky, and I am in love with your diamon tread quilt, so gorgeous! Perfect quilting too.

  8. WOw you did achieve a lot. I love the mug rugs!

  9. Adorable! all your projects are so so so nice! I am a new follower on bloglovin. Visiting from Lily's Quilts.

  10. Anonymous1/8/13 17:36

    Quite a post! I love the Diamond Tread quilt.

  11. Wow Vera you got so much done in July.

  12. Great projects, love your detail....that quilt is gorgeous


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