

Friday, July 19, 2013

TGIFF - quilting part

You would expect I sew up a storm as I received my machine from service check but nope. I'm taking it easy. I played around with Le Challenge project on Monday which pay off since I won it! Yay!
I slowly quilted the Diamond Tread and I'm happy to claim this quilted. It's not exactly as the original. This is only like half of the quilting that's on the original but sure enough for me. I used masking tape to mark the lines.

Since I'm not very experienced quilter all my quilts are learning lesson to me. These are my first HSTs and there is particular place in the block that created a bulk. I don't know if I iron that in wrong direction or what the problem is. When quilting around it few stitches got long. Not sure what to call that in English. I tried to fix it by going slow. I changed the needle for the strongest but I gave up. It's there and we'll see what's going to happen once I wash it.

It's also my first use of cotton batting as it's supposed to be summer quilt. I read once to wash it first and add the binding afterwards. Have you ever tried that? Should I finish the binding prior the washing? All advices either on the bulk part or binding part are welcomed.

My matchy heart sings to see how well the back side goes with the front, lol.
Linking up with TGIFF over @ Molli Sparkles

Update: I finished the binding prior the wash. It looks lovely. I'll share some more during this week. 
Linking up to Let's get Acquainted!


  1. Pěkné a ta letadla vespod nemají chybu. TO by mě nenapadlo. Vypadá to skvěle. Vynechávání stehu mě může taky vytočit, ale nemám žádnou silnou mašinu. Když vím, že to někde konkrétně zlobí, tak v tom místě to vezmu kolečkem, to někdy lépe dostane jehlu dolů.
    O tom předeprání jsem slyšela. Já jsem si vatelín předeprala předem. A tak, jak to popisuješ se to dělá především tehdy, když chceš vintage efekt. Že to nepředepereš, ušiješ sandwich, pořádně necháš vysrážet a pak našiješ lemování, že to lemování zůstane pěkné nevysrážené. Ale to záleží, kdo to jak cítí. A jak to chce.

  2. Finish everything and then wash. I have seen that blog post too about some people washing their batting (alone) first as well. No experience with that, but my quilts have been fine washing on gentle cycle, and even throwing in the dryer for a bit. It's hard to tell about your HSTs ... but you could do a double quilting line over that section where the stitches got long if you wanted to keep it from breaking. Regardless, I love the simplicity of your design and the negative space allows it to breath. Binding in blue or green!?

  3. This turned out wonderful and the back certainly goes well with the front! I find that regardless of what direction I press the seams in HSTs there is bulk. After reading a post on Christa Quilts I tried pressing the seams open and that definitely helps alot. I'm pretty sure I will press all of my HST seams open from now on.

    No tips on the washing but I don't think my nerves could handle washing without binding!

  4. I've always used 100% cotton batting, and I've always finished the quilt completely before washing. I've never had any problems with it. In fact, I'd never even heard that maybe you should wash it before adding it in. It's truly a lovely quilt! And I love the backing!

  5. This turned out just gorgeous, the backing is perfect and i love the quilting! I have always fully assembled before washing, and i'm with Leigh Anne, i don't know that i could handle the tension of washing first then binding!!

  6. Love that print on the back and besides your little tiny barely noticeable stitch differences you showed, I think your quilting looks fantastic!! I would do it all then wash, but that is personally. Really great quilt.

  7. This turned out beautifully Vera! Loving the matchy matchy with the backing. How perfect!

    I always finish the whole quilt then wash it when it's done. I don't pre-wash fabric either ;)

  8. I am in awe of your hst! Loving the negative space and the planes on the back!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  9. It looks great! The longer sitches will probably not be noticed once it's washed and it crinkles up a bit. I would bind it before washing it for sure.

  10. I love your quilt! As usual, your fabric choices are awesome, and I love the design :)


  11. The quilt is gorgeous, and that backing fabric is perfect! I'm familiar with the stitch length problem - I think Anita is right, and that they won't be noticeable after it's washed :) Definitely bind before washing - it'll crinkle nicely :) I've never preshrunk my batting, but I do prewash all fabrics before sewing with them - after a fitted tablecloth didn't fit after it was washed, I learned my lesson! We used it afterwards for a Christmas tree skirt for years :D

  12. Congrats on a beautiful finish, Vera! The front and back match like PERFECTLY! Sorry you had trouble with the stitches. How frustrating. I had a similar problem once. Long after the project is done.... It is no longer noticeable and has stopped bothering me! I love the plaid style of quilting. It is a gorgeous quilt! And I am now your newest follower....


  13. That is the cutest backing fabric...ever! Have you tried pressing your seams open? It reduces the bulk in the corners. Just a thought!

  14. Anonymous22/7/13 08:08

    Just love the quilt colours and backing....beautiful. Have a great day.......Marie

  15. Anonymous22/7/13 20:28

    What a fabulous quilt. The back and front are perfectly matched. Great stuff.

  16. I'm a rebel and just make the quilt and then wash it - or, in my case I don't wash it myself. Most of my quilts are given as gifts so I let the recipient wash it. Beautiful quilt.

  17. Lovely quilt! And my equally matchy heart likes that the back matches the front so perfectly too!


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