

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


One would expect I either work on Broken Herringbone or Ballerinas but nope. I had the need to try something else. Does that happen to you too? Those projects that already became WiP are slowly becoming UFO just don't seem interesting enough and you have the need to try something new. I'm sure it does.
The idea was to only try some kaleidoscopes. I do have a project in mind but I just needed to run trial piece to make sure I'll be able to do it.
That's how it started.
I had to add few more to fill up the rectangle shape.
I couldn't stop piecing it.
That's what I ended up with.
Not perfect but good enough for a trial.
That's what the original fabric look like.
I pressed all the seams open.
So what should I do with it now? It measures 34 x 44cm. Doll quilt? Pillow cover? Front panel of bag? No idea but I'm glad I gave it a go even though it might not be in use for a while.
If you like some tips on kaleidoscopes check out this post from Geta or this one which is part of One block wonder QAL.

Linking up with

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Anonymous9/10/13 19:21

    Breathtakingly beautiful. I am always amazed by Kaleidoscope quilts but way to scared to attempt them. Bravo for creating something so amazing.

  2. Oh my goodness, this is so lovely! That fabric is gorgeous, but you take it to a whole new level! Well done and I'm so glad you "strayed" from you other projects!

  3. Oh, the rose wreaths are so pretty!

    1. Thank you. You still appear as no-reply.

  4. Very pretty. Very vintage. There are so many things you could use it for. If you don't really want it, I think it would make a great giveaway ;)

  5. My first thought, when I saw the fabric, was that there is too much space between the floral motifs. But the blocks turned out beautiful, and those with less pattern looks interesting as well.

  6. Gorgeous! I have never heard of this technique before. I will give it a go but right now I have too many things I have to finish before I start something new.......well maybe!

  7. I am sorry to hear that you are setting other things that you were working on aside. Only because I love seeing your progress. But I know what you mean. You get excited about a new project and can't resist! And I really love your rose kaleidoscope piece. It is very beautiful. Now you have made me think I would like to try it!

  8. So pretty Vera! And now i want to set my wip's aside and give it a try!

  9. Oh my heavens you have the patience of a saint - all those bias edges, and pefectly matched points - just gorgeous! It looks like the beginning of a wallhanging or special table topper to me!

  10. this is absolutely stunning, vera! so wonderful. i hope you find a good home for your lovely kaleidoscope.


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