

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

WiP mix

I got a bit guilty over the Broken Herringbones so I pull the fabrics out and got to work. It's just a small progress but that counts too. I need to set up wider designers wall since I need the whole width and plan ahead. The top is my goal for November and it's already 16th, yay.

I'll adjust the size once I have all the stripes together.

I did a bit of crocheting. I'm making some flowers for a friend of mine. She would like to have wreath like the one I made two years ago. I didn't follow any pattern for the flowers so it's not easy to make the same flowers. I'm still trying to get the bigger one the way I used to make it, lol. 

I made this one two years ago.

Those flowers are as a thank you for some Ikea shopping she done for me. I'm quite exited about this sewing related items. Oh yeah, no more lying bags of batting and interfacing on the floor. I got quite a few piles everywhere so there is some cleaning and reorganizing in my sewing space going on as well. Yipee!

Linking up with

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I love the colour choice for your Herringbones! :)

  2. Glad to see you have gotten back to work on those herringbone pieces, Vera! They are looking good. Exciting sewing room reorganizations going on there, too!

  3. Yay for new Ikea furniture! I have a serious problem with my sewing stuff overflowing the one shelf I have... I also have piles of stuff all over the floor! That's a really beautiful wreath, though. Great payment for shopping!

  4. The colors on your herringbone quilt are so beautiful! Love that wreath- pinning it.

  5. getting the full picture on the design wall for the layout of herringbone will be really great. love it so far

  6. Love your herringbone. Mine is somewhat cut but that is it. Next on my list to tackle. You are my inspiration.

    1. Thank you. My progress is slow but it's nice to hear I'm beeing inspiration. BTW you appear as no-reply.

  7. oh wow - I just love your wreath - those crochet flowers are gorgeous.

  8. Keep going! Those colours are too great for you to stop now!

  9. Love, love your wreath! I may have to learn to crochet. I can do basic having added knitting sweaters. Your broken herringbone blocks are so pretty. I thought about getting on board with them but too many other projects in progress. Anyways - great projects! I hope you get your reorganization completed to satisfaction. I seem to do it often and basically because I am outgrowing my space! :)

  10. Love the colours in the herringbone blocks - they're almost beachy! Very calm and soothing :) The wreath is TDF (to die for) - pinning!

  11. Love your herringbone blocks, the colours are gorgeous!
    And that wreath is so pretty!

  12. Your wreath is beautiful! Love it!


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