

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lone star - quilted

My goal for November is this wall hanging aka Lone Star (tutorial) made with the Cherry Christmas line. I'm more than happy to claim this thing quilted. Quilting is not my fav part. I'm very unconfident when it comes to quilting. It's based on my experiences. There are not many. Plus I realized my table is way too high I would need to drop the sewing machine down. I tried to use higher chair but my feet were almost flying in the air, lol. I really need to think about how to make this work.

I'm still learning how to hold the quilt while quilting so my machine would produce even stitches. There are some places where the stitches are a bit smaller than they should. This size is pretty fine for learning. This time around I actually used a lot of pins. All of my pins to be precise which I use for regular size quilt which means I need to buy more. My fav thing when it comes to quilting is masking tape. The spacing in between the lines is based on the size of my masking tape. The quilting is pretty simple but it compliments the design well. The star itself was a bit bulky at the center so I ran straight lines across the whole star coming through the center. You might see it better on the back side. No fancy fabric for the back as I feel like there is no point for it. Plus I wanted to stay away from prints. I'm ready to make the binding and hopefully I'll meet my goal.

Linking up with WiP Wednesday



  1. Wow! I am star struck, Vera. Your lone star is gorgeous. Congrats on the beautiful quilting job. Love the view from the back! Hope you can find a solution to your problem with the height of the table while quilting. But from what I can see I never would have guessed that you were out of your comfort zone!

  2. Oh it looks fantastic Vera! I love the star - and I think your quilting looks just fabulous!!!

  3. Beautiful! I love Lone Stars, but don't have the patience for the piecing. Your straight-line quilting sets it off with an elegant simplicity. Was going to hope you finish it over the holiday (it is Thanksgiving tomorrow here in the States), but anyway, I hope you finish your binding without any hiccups!

  4. I think this quilt looks great!

  5. I love,love,love this Lonestar with the pretty, light blue and white colors and the quilting is perfect!

  6. I love the straight line quilting on this.

  7. What a beautiful wall hanging! Love the quilting, and how well it shows on the back.

  8. Looks great Vera, your quilting really sets off the print star!

    Sounds like you need longer legs :)

  9. The quilting is lovely - were you using a walking foot? I also lack confidence quilting but after accomplishing that I'd say you're sure getting the hang of it!

    1. Thank you. Yes, I have used walking foot. Also thank you for the encouragement.

  10. Beautiful! For not being your favorite part, you really did a great job on the quilting!!

  11. Just found you on Freshly Pieced and LOVE your blog post! You are so real :) That is refreshing... your work is stupendous... have you tried marking with masking tape and hand quilting your design??? I love hand quilting.. but I am a huge machine piecer... I recently hand pieced for the first time and enjoyed it... but machine quilting makes my shoulders sore... hand quilting is zen and relaxing... just an idea :) To make your least fave part more pallatable... some also do a mixture but soon find the softer hand quilted stitches are more desireable :) fyi! Thanks for blogging! Kathi

  12. It looks great to me, I think your quilting looks great, nice straight lines!! Thanks for sharing

  13. Oh, Vera! It's beautiful. I really like how you did the quilting too. It's going to be a spetacular wall hanging.

  14. Beautiful quilt! I love the turquoise and red combination. I really should make something using those colors before it's out-of-style.

  15. Lovely star, and your quilting looks great!

  16. I think it looks fantastic!
    I'll tell you how I solved my 'chair is too high' problem....I put my pedal on a case of beer bottles! Shhh - don't tell anyone! ;) It worked like a charm!

  17. You did a great job!

  18. Gorgeous quilt! And the quilting looks really good. Great job!

  19. This is so beautiful! It looks perfect and is so pretty!!


  20. You did a beautiful job with the quilting! It looks gorgeous!


  21. I think it looks fantastic! I wouldn't have known you were uncomfortable with it by looking at it. :)

  22. Wow! This is gorgeous! Completely stunning :)

  23. That is so lovely!
    Greetings from Finland!
    Ulla's Quilt World
    Hugs, Ulla

  24. Stunning! Your quilting is beautiful

  25. It's beautiful Vera! Great quilting :) thanks for linking up!


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