

Friday, November 1, 2013

October round up

Last night I finished this little piece. It's part of And Sew On BoM and separate post will follow once I hang it. Hopefully it'll happen over the weekend.

Here's little round up of the rest. As usual I feel like not much done. I only made few small projects as part of some blog hops. Those hops really keep me going, lol.

Halloween projects for the Wicked blog hop.
Skull pin inspired by the Day of Dead.
Getting ready for Christmas as I joined the Making Christmas hop.
Paper tin cover out of old UFO piece.
Last project from the Zakka Along 2.0
Bag for my girl which is my Purse Palooza project.

This pillow cover was part of Holiday Memories competition. Thank you all who voted since I won the viewer's choice prize which was jelly roll. My first jelly roll ever. I picked Cherry Christmas and I would like to make Scrappy Lone Star out of it. Hopefully you'll see it next month during the Fresh Sewing Day link up.

Lily's Quilts


  1. Ooooo... Congrats on the jelly roll win! Can't wait to see what you do make! Love all your projects.... You are sew talented!

  2. You have some great Projects here. Lovely Little quilt!

  3. Šikulka, dosť si toho stihla. Len ticho závidím a obdivujem :)

  4. Great stuff! I would also have voted for your pillow cover. The And Sew On project is just absolutely brilliant, too!!!

  5. An impressive month. I love your Halloween projects

  6. So many lovely things. I sure love the fabrics you picked for the first one.

  7. You've had a great month! I didn't know a tin could look so lovely and you've aced the paper piecing :)

  8. What a fantastic month of finishes Vera! I love your BoM mini, just perfect!

  9. Wow you got a lot done - I don't think it would be much of a surprise to know that the zipper pouch is my favourite, lol. Congrats on the jellyroll win!


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