

Friday, January 3, 2014

No resolutions

I wanted to start the New Year with resolutions, lists, plans and goals but I realized I'm not really a goal keeper. The reason why I like to get involved in challenges is there is certain due date. I work the best with time pressure and due date. Otherwise it doesn't work :-) I also feel kind of obligated to do those things on list and that is not attractive at all.

So I just keep on doing what I'm doing and you'll have to wait and see what I come up with. I sure do have "plans" but I'm not willing to share as they are changing all the time.

I'm starting the year with action. I put together tutorial on those vinyl pouches. I hope you'll like it. It is a bit long and not really exact measurement. I was also thinking if I should ask someone to edit my English but I didn't want to bother anyone. So it's just the negligent way.

I used number of free tutorials out there and I felt like I should contribute to community as well. We'll see on the feedback if it's any good. You can find my tut HERE.

Since it's Friday allready I'm linking up with TGIFF and Crazy mom quilts.



  1. Goodness - they're fantastic Vera. What a great idea - very useful.

  2. I love these! But I have never sewn with vinyl!

  3. This is great, would be cool for air travel, too!

  4. There is no obligation to have resolutions or lists. Just keep doing whatever works for you! I love your pouches and think they look so very useful, but like MsMidge I have never sewn with vinyl so I'm a bit scared :-)
    And your English is not so bad, and writing is a great way to keep learnt and improving, so don't feel bad that it's not perfect yet.
    E xx

  5. These are so cute! The rainbow is so fabulous!

  6. What a great visual way to hold all your small sewing things.

  7. Every year I make a resolution to quit smoking. I quit 10 years ago, so it's the only resolution I'm successful with each year, LOL! Maybe I should resolve to buy lots of fabric and patterns - that's another one I could easily keep! ;)

  8. Great pouches and such a creative way to store them, love it.

  9. ha ha. I agree. No guilt felt from reading all these New Year's resolutions. I think as long as you have a good vision of the big picture you're ok. Your blog has a nice visual appeal.

  10. These vinyl bags are great Vera, and resolutions are seriously over-rated :)

  11. Cool idea for all those knick-knacks!!

  12. A colour-orded dream. My daughters would love these.

  13. These are so clever. Really want to try making (at least!) one. Thank you for taking the time to write the tute.

  14. Yeah! Thanks for the tutorial! Your rainbow pouches are beautiful!

  15. I love those pouches! I'm going to try some :) thanks for linking up. I have no resolutions either!

  16. omg! what a cool way to organize all those little things and see them too!

  17. Your pouches are great for organizing. Wonderful!

  18. This is an awesome idea Vera!

  19. Love Love Love these, they are so darn cute.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. and I think very much alike! I am looking forward to seeing what you create :)

  22. Love your rainbow pouches! Thanks for the tutorial!

  23. Anonymous6/1/14 05:29

    Great idea, I have a bunch of bedding packages I could cut up to use the vinyl!

  24. I love those!! And such a great idea!

  25. Love them -- I'll give it a go! Thanks!

  26. I am drooling!!! I've got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for tomorrow morning that links to your tutorial:

  27. Hi Vera
    I was drawn to your blog name and had to look! Fabulous bags for toiletries Thankyou so very much for sharing xxx Amanda

  28. Hi Vera
    I was drawn to your blog name and had to look! Fabulous bags for toiletries Thankyou so very much for sharing xxx Amanda

  29. where can i find the video for the vinyl bag?

    1. there is no video, just tutorial. there are links in this post ;) or hit the tutorial bookmark up on the page ;)


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