

Sunday, April 13, 2014

FAL - Q2 list

I haven't managed to recap my Q1 list and here I am making up list for Q2.

1. Color wheel - this is ongoing project from Q1. I need to quilt and bind this thing. I already started and I need those pins for other projects so this is top priority now.

2. Pantone quilt top - I made this top during the Q1 so I would like to finish it during the Q2.

3. Ballerinas - my girl is questioning me about this quilt so I better make some progress.

4. Ikea print - I called this thing boyish quilt in the Q1 but I don't think I want to make a quilt out of it any more. I would like to use those blocks for some fabric baskets or bags.

5. Echino bag - I got this fabric for my Bday and I love it so I would like to turn it into bag, messenger style probably.

6. Triangle quilt - this is part of Triangle QAL and I would really like to finish it :-)

That's it. It seems I only added two new projects to my original Q1 list but that's fine with me. Have you read the stats of Q1? Average finishes were just over 3 per person so I got plenty :-)

Q1 was the first time for me to give this FAL a try. I made 7/10 which is pretty good and if you read the Q1 winners list you might have noticed I scored the big prize! I still can't believe it and I will do happy dance once parcel arrives at my doorstep as it is still a bit virtual but yay! I'm lucky newbie I guess and here is recap of my finished projects to do Q1 some justice.

Log cabin SAL. I made two pretty projects.
Pantone quilt challenge and my mini. Plus the top which is on my Q2 list.
241 tote which is currently my fav to use.
Broken herringbone quilt made it to the booth at local quilt show.
Skill Builder blocks turned into cushion covers.
4 house pouches finally finished.
Animal blocks turned into fun little bag.

Finish Along 2014

Thanks Katy for hosting and good luck to everyone for the Q2!


  1. I still love those ballerinas! That color wheel is going to be awesome! That triangle quilt is killing me. It's soooo beautiful!

  2. There's no question - I'm cheering for Ballerinas to make it to the finished list!!

  3. Such pretty projects! I did a little cheer when I saw your name on the winner list! Congrats!!

  4. Love your list this quarter! So many awesome projects to be working on! I love your colour wheel and can't wait to see it finished up. Your quilting is perfect for it! And your triangle quilt... fantastic! Looking forward to seeing what you work on first!

  5. They are wonderful, Vera!! I am waiting to see how you quilt the color wheel and the pantone quilts. Congratulations on the winning!!


  6. Good luck in the Q2. You have stunning projects to finish :)

  7. Věrko, gratuluji, krásná výhra, kterou ti přeji, protože stíhat šít a vědět, kde všuse se zúčastnit..... Prostě si to zasloužíš. :-)

  8. Congratulations on your big win! Good luck with your projects, that color wheel quilt is looking really fantastic, can't wait to see it done!

  9. It's a great list with lots of interesting projects. Congrats on the finishes from Q1. I'll be looking forward to seeing your progress in this quarter.


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