

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Bits and pieces

I made small progress on my scrappy cushion cover #2. I pieced 6 rows out of 10.

I also made some prep work for Darth Vader #2. I promised mug rug for a friend so I used what was left from #1. If you like such concept feel free to enter my giveaway.

I used few more bits for small pouch. All the pieces are cut out and ready to go.

I'm trying to figure out my plans for 2016. Instead of long list I'm going to take it by small steps. I really like the concept of #sewtake20 so that is going to be my approach of upcoming year.

Linking up with:

Quilting is more fun than Housework


  1. The #sewtake20 idea is really brilliant. I could use with a little bit of that focus over the holiday break. I love spending time with my husband, but I think my sewing machine is feeling neglected!

  2. You have a great start on a lot of beautiful projects. Your colors are always so pretty! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  3. Love the idea of #sewtake20! Now that I am retired, I can really sew whenever I want and for longer periods of time, but when I was still teaching, those 10 or 20 minutes of sewing a day made a huge difference in my saving my sanity! It's fun to see what you've been spending your time on - i'm looking forward to seeing your new cushion cover when it is finished!

  4. You realy do not need to 'should'on your self, you have a nice start. I love the designs and colors. Lovely little projects. Love to see it finished.

  5. I love seeing your "design in progress !" Your cushion cover #2 is going to be stunning! Wishing you many, many 20 min segments of creating and sewing in the following year, Vera!

  6. She makes very good points :) Sometimes it's hard to go down to the sewing room because my brain is telling me how much I have on my To Do list and I'm overwhelmed so I can't get started. We can actually get a LOT done in 10 or 15 or 20 minutes - especially when that's compounded to 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 times a week :) I've finally accepted the fact that I can't have sewing goals for weekends - hubby is home most of the time and we're usually doing something that doesn't include my sewing machine, but then I feel guilty for not working on something! Here's to 20 minute sessions --- AND on being gentle with ourselves, which was actually my favourite of her ideas!

  7. Vera, I always love the way you combine color and texture. You pick the greatest background fabrics too.
    I need to take twenty more often too - Kitty is a wise woman.

  8. Your projects always make me smile, Vera - love your negligent style!

  9. You always have some lovely projects on the go.
    Small steps is a great way to approach things. Do you know this saying: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
    Your dark side mini makes me laugh - I am a Star Wars fan. My husband took me to see the new movie in the cinema last week.


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