

Saturday, January 16, 2016

2016 - FAL Q1 list

I decided to go wild and crazy with my list. It's more of an UFO list and any finish or progress would be nice. You might not even remember some of my projects so let's recap.

#1 Disco quilt which I called Tribute back in summer of 2014. It will probably and hopefully come quilted from my friend soon. I left the quilting to a pro since I love it.

# 2 DM quilt made for blog hop. Find out more here. That's where all the happy scraps comes from.

  #3 Love wall hanging. I made this as a anniversary reminder so this one deserves to be finished.

And some cute kids projects by Lorna. Elephant parade and I would like to make some dogs too. Remember Lorna's Dog Gone Cute QAL? Well I bought some fabrics last year for it so it is time to make at least some blocks. My projects #4 and #5 on the list.

How about the color of the year 2014? Well, that's my #6 Pantone mini. I'm a bit torn with this one. One day I love it and I hate it the next. I really need to make up my mind and either finish it or let it go to someone else.

I'm keeping the bags on my list #7 and #8. Plus my latest projects #9 mini and #10 cushion to round up the list nicely.

Note: I used Google Keep app to create my list.

2016 FAL


  1. So many great quilts here. I forgot my Elephant Parade when I made my list. But with only four quilts on my list, I think I can finish them in time.

  2. I love your LOVE quilt! It is so fun that we read it that way even though you just used the basic shapes. Definitely worth finishing!

  3. I'm pleased to see I am not the only one with a big stack of long-held UFOs - I am tackling a few of mine too - good luck!

  4. That's a fabulous to do list! What a colourful year you're going to have!

  5. I am sure you can make progress on a few of these!
    I wish my list only had 10 things on it. I am having to write smaller to make it all fit on the whiteboard. :(

  6. I love all your projects and you should love the last one IMO ! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts.

  7. your projects look great! I am looking forward to seeing them completed!

  8. As usual, I see your work and am so inspired by your color choices! It will be nice to see these progress.

  9. This is a great list!

  10. Great list of projects. I love your quilting and can't wait to see how to finish each one.

  11. Fabulous projects, Tribute and your love mini are going to be amazing! Good luck :)

  12. This should "keep you out of trouble for awhile!" lol They are gorgeous projects, and I can't wait to see what their finishes will be . (Especially your DM quilt.)

  13. Your blog should be called ... Negligent Style and Rainbows :) Those are lovely UFOs - I think I'm going to cheer on #'s 3 and 4 for first and second place! ;)


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