

Thursday, April 7, 2016

OMG April

Let's face it. I did not meet my March goal. Am I going to choose the same one? No! I'll go with one even more ambitious.

I'm going to finish my DM quilt. Yeah! I read my horoscope and I'll have a great month! :) :D

Here is full pic in case you do not remember it.
Linking up with:



  1. It's a lovely top, and will be even lovelier as a finished quilt :) I think you can do it - get cracking! I'm trying to get a Cargo Duffle finished this month - I only started it in about January, so it's TIME :D

  2. Your Delectable mountains has always been a favorite of mine Vera. A more ambitious goal indeed, LOL. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do!

  3. Stay the course! I can see a finish in your future!

  4. That is a great goal, I look forward to seeing how you decide to quilt Delectable Mountains.

  5. and if your horoscope says it - then it must be true. I really love the direction your quilting is going these days Vera. Following a sense of direction, whilst I'm still all over the place

  6. The stars are all lined up this month as my horoscope gave me the same news!! Looking forward to this finish.

  7. I think I should read my horoscope too. Maybe it will be good news for me as well. As I am having four teeth out tomorrow, somehow, I doubt it. :(

  8. Hi Vera, Can't wait to see the quilting, hope it is coming along!
    Love your haircolor!!


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