

Monday, August 8, 2016

Neglected giveaway

Hello my dear neglected readers! Just because the star constellation is right I'm having a giveaway. Noo, not really due to stars :) While ago Bloglovin sent me this exciting news.

So I made those two minis in June with giveaway on mind. One works as mini for the wall and the other as mug rug. Plus you get a piece of hot pink sewing theme fabric just to cheer you up.

In my previous post I made a note about my health issue so I'm just going to spill the beans. I'm having trouble with my right shoulder. I went to see the doctor and last month I finally learned what is wrong. To make it short and clear let me just say that by my own stupidity I have damaged it and I must undertake arthroscopy. This fun event will take place in November.

As I'll be left with my left hand only for a while tell me some fun activity I'll be able to do during this period of time. The more funny and absurd comment the better. Please cheer me up for those times when I'm feeling sorry for myself :)

If you are regular reader I owe you apology for neglected comments and emails. Please forgive me and leave a second comment with anything you have on mind :)

This neglected giveaway will run till the end of August. Please feel free to enter.


  1. Oh, healing thoughts coming your way, Vera! I'll be thinking of you. I'd be so honored to hang one of your minis on my mini wall! You can people watch. :D

  2. I'm a follower of course!

  3. Anonymous9/8/16 02:07

    Be well! Thanks for sharing!

  4. So sorry to hear about your injury! I hope the surgery does the trick for you. Since you are supposed to grip the club the tightest with your left hand, I think you should take up golf! Congratulations on 500 followers and thanks for a sweet giveaway!

  5. I hope you recover quickly!! Love your minis, very sweet! Congratulations on reaching 500 followers, that's is awesomeπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  6. Sucking jelly babies up through a straw is fun but rather temporary ! I hope you keep well Vera and are feeling better soon xx

  7. I'm guessing you're right handed as i wouldn't find losing the use of my right arm too bad... you could do some toe knitting

  8. You could learn to type with one hand like the villain in one of the James Bond movies. You might need to watch all the movies first to figure out which one it was. :)

  9. Bummer about your shoulder, but I did laugh at your "negligent" post - this whole summer has been this way for me - one thing missed, left undone, ignored after another! And, I've also got a shoulder/neck thing.... afraid to ask the doc about it, however! Love your cool giveaway stuff!

  10. Come visit us in southern moraivia and you can do left handed wine drinking!! Sorry to hear about the shoulder - I have faith in the czech health service xx

  11. I hope you heal soon! When I broke my wrist last fall, I took the time to reorganize all of my online files and folders. Not fun but it needed to be done.

  12. You can get your left hand fingernails painted in rainbow colors, and use gray fingernail polish on the right... like your gorgeous quilted pouches!
    So sorry you need surgery... but get it done so you will be well before Christmas!

  13. I have a bad shoulder(s) too - I feel your pain!!! Ok here is my suggestioin - get a dot to dot book and TRY to do it with your left hand! I guarantee it will be ard to do!!!

  14. I already printed a photo of the LOVE mini....and l do love It! Thanks for the chance to win! Good luck with the surgery and a speedy recovery.

  15. Your left hand? Oh my. Well, Arthroscopy is not terrible. Usually the surgeon can have a look around, see if there are any bits of cookie crumbs or thread. Sometimes maybe that can collect in your shoulder.... I think
    Anyway, I wish you an easy recovery, and hopefully the best news will be that the surgeon found a winning lottery ticket.
    If you have physical therapy afterward.... that is just horrible, it is torture, not therapy. You should scream loudly and cry a lot.
    If you have to have a new arm put on, and have to be on bedrest, I think you should watch all of the old movies from 1950's with those wonderful actresses and nice moral stories. That will make you swoon. Be careful swooning.

  16. When I couldn't use my right hand for a few months a few years ago I spent my days reading quilting blogs and writing replies, LOL! I became quite good at typing with only my left hand, switched my mouse settings to left-handed, and learnt to use the mouse back to front, as it were. That was more difficult than the typing! During that time I amassed a collection of patterns; if I live to be 150 I'll still not have enough time to make everything! If you can't DO your hobby the next best thing is to READ about it!
    Otherwise you have to take up something else: take singing lessons, train your voice. Who knows you might become a second Magdalena Kozena (sorry, iPad doesn't do accents), after all, she became a professional singer after breaking her arm! Whatever you do, enjoy yourself and don't let your shoulder issue get you down.

  17. I missed your posts, Vera, because your work is so original and inspiring. Whatever you do in the meantime, I hope you will be back to creating and sharing new work in the New Year. In the meantime you could try reposting some of your favourite "old" posts, just to give us something to read (again).

  18. I'm sorry to hear about the shoulder pan. A massage therapist on e advised me not to try to carry so much weight on my shoulder metaphorically speaking.

  19. I'm sorry to hear about the shoulder pan. A massage therapist on e advised me not to try to carry so much weight on my shoulder metaphorically speaking.

  20. Play board games and move your pieces backwards since you will feel like the world is backwards while using your left hand! Hmm. What else could you do? Oh! You could get a colouring book and only colour OUTSIDE the lines. That would be perfect with your left hand, I think! I hope you get fixed up and healthy very soon. xo

  21. Congrats on reaching a blogging milestone! How wonderful!!!

  22. Sorry to hear about your shoulder - take care!!

  23. Great to have so many followers - congratulations.
    And while you are recovering don't forget plain old reading. Takes you into a different world. Then walking to get out and about. By yourself and sometimes with others.
    Sending good thoughts.

  24. I am a regular reader. I LOVE what you do with scraps and often find myself clicking when you link up to Oh Scrap!

  25. Thanks for the chance to win. Congrats on hitting 500!

  26. I just came across your site and I love it! I just subscribed to your posts so I can be a regular reader. So sorry to hear about your shoulder. What a pain in the......well, shoulder. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  27. I came across your site and hope I subscribed. Not all that good on computer. Sorry about shoulder. Had my shoulder worked on as it had frozen up due to no using it because I had injured it Hope you do good after the surgery. Love the mini and love to use scraps to make thing. Hope I win. Thanks

  28. While you are healing from your surgery, you can surf the internet for your next quilt! I love looking up quilting ideas and new fabric lines on the web!


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