

Saturday, August 27, 2016

PP - Otis the Owl

I don't do PP much often. It is technique I like to use for challenging myself. I felt I needed a little challenge last week and I picked pattern which I saved to my computer 4 years ago.

So there is a hope for all those saved patterns. One day maybe I'll make them! You can find this one here. To be honest I don't get the numbers marked on it and I had a little problem at the bottom.

There is a tiny piece missing in the pattern but it's an easy fix even for not so experienced PP like me.

The thing I don't like much about PP is that you create a lot of scraps. Unfortunately I don't see use for that pile of scraps at all.

What are my plans for this block? Well I talked about some library tote. This block is perfect for it and I actually saved it for that reason. It just took a bit of time to make it.

Note; My little giveaway is still on if you are interested in.

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  1. So cute! I love the text print you used for the owl. It really works perfectly.

  2. love your library owl, he looks a little fierce like all librarians should. They say that pp uses up scraps, but my scraps are always too little

  3. I agree about the amount of scraps generated by paper piecing. I really like to try to precut my shapes to reduce the amount, but it isn't always an option. I love how fierce your owl looks due to your fabric selections. :)

  4. I am so far behind on reading blogs that it is not funny, but this is tooo cute not to congratulate you. It will be a lovely library bag.


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