

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

OMG - 01

I have no real resolutions for this year but I'm up to some challenge. Project Quilting Season 8 might be just the thing. The first challenge theme is Eight is great!

I like origami and stars so my thoughts went by this way. I made a paper template simplified the origami star and it look quite good. I even picked fabrics.

Time for fabric trial which doesn't look very well but as I type I have another idea how to make this work...

I also like to play with primary colors and their mixing. Another idea is to make 8 circles either hand stitching or machine.

But wouldn't making octagons be easier? Squares are definitely easier than circles. So I got my head buzzing but there is only a week to complete this theme. I'm making this theme my OMG that way I will still have motivation to finish any of this idea during the month of January.

How do you work on your challenges? Do you stick to one idea from the very beginning or you have many and find it hard to choose?

Linking up with:
Elm Street Quilts
Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. I look forward to seeing what works best for you, Vera. Sometimes I get one idea and can run with it, but other times it takes a lot of revisions and the final product is much different than the initial concept.

  2. I love your paper star and I'm curious to see where all your evolutions take you. It could be fun to take the shapes made by the folded paper, rather than folding the fabric - i.e. if you hold the paper star up to the light

  3. I look forward to see your final project. I must say when 8 was selected octagons were my first thought, then I thought that is too easy.

  4. Can't wait to see how this comes out! Looks very interesting.

  5. Looking forward to how this idea develops! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal.

  6. That origami idea is intriguing, Vera... I hope you get it to work because it would be so colorful and unique!

  7. I love how your brain works!! This looks like a fun design is appearing!

  8. I really enjoyed reading your thought process for this challenge. I have to admit that coming up with an original idea is already pretty difficult for me so I tend to stick to the idea to the end. :-)

  9. I didn't realise you like origami, I like it too though I am not very precise at it. I always imagine it will make my tranquil and calm! Loving your little stars.

  10. I often struggle with ideas, particularly when they don't quite work like I was expecting. But evolving ideas is a good thing, and I'm sure we often end up happier with the result then when we force ourselves to stick with the original.
    E xx

  11. Neat ideas, will be checking back at the end of the month.


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