

Monday, April 17, 2017


While working with the rectangles and triangles I ended up with tiny scraps.

These are the corners I cut off geese blocks. I just lay them on piece of fusible batting. It's just a raw edge pieces.

I was trying to go random but there is still some kind of order in there. There are two pieces of each color :)

I couldn't use all the tiny triangles so these actually went to the bin.

I wanted to take a picture against light but the sun went down faster than I expected. You can see it's not perfect there are tiny gaps. Actual size 7".

A bit of matchstick quilting to keep those scraps in place. It might be mini or mug rug. Just a little side track project.

Linking up with Scraptastic Tuesday and

Quilting is more fun than Housework


  1. It is a great little scrappy project! Thank you for linking up to #scraptastictuesday!

  2. Beautiful Vera. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  3. Great project with your confetti of triangles! The quilting looks wonderful!


  4. That looks like a fun way to practice my machine quilting.

  5. Something new just having a bit of fun playing can yield beautiful creations that spark new ideas. I look forward to seeing what this evolves into.

  6. That's definitely a scrappy project! And the finished size is so small. Great job!

  7. very very sweet. This is a neat idea :-D

  8. Brilliant idea! I keep piling up the little triangles I end up with from different projects but have not used them yet as the thought of trying to sew those little pieces is really off-putting - but to just stick them to fusible webbing and heavily quilt them down is a great idea! I am inspired, cheers!

  9. It's a little piece of art, so simple and subtle. The quilting really makes it special. Great use of those tiny bits, which I throw away. Keep up the good work!

  10. I love the contrast of the bright colours on the grey background. Waste not want not, you turned tiny scraps into something beautiful.

  11. very nice use of tiny pieces. Hard to be random I find and always end up with some sort of symmetry!

  12. This is awesome! Looking at the quilted piece it looks like all of the fabric pieces are sewn together.

  13. I love your little sidetrack projects. :)

  14. hello Vera, I love how your little triangles reflect your ironing board cover. I threw out a load of teeny pieces recently, maybe I should have kept them.


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