

Saturday, July 1, 2017

OMG - 07

New space. New month. New beginning. More on my space once I settle down.

Let's start nice and clean! Yeap, time to clean the machine. Honestly I don't like to do it. I have to unscrew these three screws and the screwdriver doesn't fit so I'm usually using the end of spoon.

I planned to do it number of times but finally took the plunge.

I encourage you to do the same. Look at that pile of dust and dirt!

This time around I even had to take out the manual. I wasn't sure how to insert the part where you put your bobbin in. I done it somehow but it didn't work. I'm happy to inform you all is back and working fine.

Now it's time to solve the dilemma what OMG to choose. My plan is to work on projects from my wall. Those are the most visible :) My goal is Minecraft pig cushion. There is a Bday party ahead sometime in July and it's intended as a gift.

Linking up with:
Elm Street Quilts


  1. I love those rainbow rectangles on the left side of your design wall. I look forward to hearing about how you are settling into your new space later.

  2. Good luck with your goal I am sure the person receiving it will love it!

  3. Someone is going to love the minecraft pig cushion. All the best for completion.

  4. You have some interesting items on your "wall". Good luck on reaching your goal.

  5. I was eyeing those rainbow rectangles as well!

  6. Great design wall. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  7. Nice. I need a design wall ... everything is in piles around the room ... Love the little owl =)

  8. There seems to be a lot of fun projects on your design wall! Good luck on your project!

  9. Lovely new space! I echo the others, I am excited to see where the rainbow prints are going.

  10. I opened this page yesterday morning, but never had a chance to comment. I am so happy you have a new sewing space. Cleaning the machine is a good idea. I try to do it every time I change the bobbin....
    I love your wall with all of those possibilities

  11. Great job on the cleaning! I realized reading the issue with the screws that I am extremely lucky cleaning my machine requires no screws. Hum, maybe I should be doing that today.


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