

Friday, April 13, 2018

The 100 day project - part 1

This month I found new project to follow. It's on IG and it is called #the100dayproject

I haven't heard about it before. I made very quick decision to join in. It's up to you what you choose to do for 100 days. I have drawers filled with partially finished projects or bits and pieces awaiting to be used. So every day I pull out something and work on it for a while. It is challenging since I usually do it later in the evening but I have some finishes already.

This mat or mug rug was quilted and just waited to be bound.


I found block made from leftovers and turned it into pouch.

Pink birds used to be framed as decoration for girls room. I paired it with dots fabric and it became pouch as well.

My latest project is sewed up from selvages. Cutlery pouch for my colleague! As usual I used long zipper to create handle. So far so good.

Linking up with Finish it Up Friday.


  1. These are lovely, Vera.
    I still find it funny that you have to take your own cutlery to work!

  2. Those are all great projects. LOVE the pouch made from the random block!! The cutlery pouch for your co-worker using selvages will be SEW useful for him/her.

  3. you have instagram? I need to find you

  4. What great progress already! It will be fun to see how it progresses for you over all 100 days.


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