

Saturday, April 20, 2019


I don't usually get too exited about Easter but I have become part of creative Thursday at local library and the ladies have decided that we will have creative afternoon based on Easter theme. I managed to make some chicks for sale to raise some money for charity purposes. It is nice to be part of something local and do good.

I choose this simple pattern since it is fast and the result is cute. You can find many variations over at pinterest.

I used up the whole piece of fabric which was just right. There were 25 chicks and 2 smaller ones.

The Easter tradition calls for decorated eggs.

This is "modern" variation invented by my dad many years ago. Instead of straws he used colored tape. He used to make traditional patterns with it. I didn't hold back and placed the tape in all sorts of patterns. I liked the white tape the most as it gives the best contrast.

It is very simple and effective and the feedback I have received was very positive. In case you are wondering how it is done :) The tape is placed on some coated chipboard leftover and cut up by sharp knife into various shapes. Yes, I have used one of my rulers but not my rotary cutter. The small pieces or stripes are picked up with the knife's tip. It is like playing with stickers :)

Happy Easter!


  1. Happy Easter, Vera. Very cute chicks. It sounds like a nice group to be a part of!

  2. Love your chicks. It is good to get together with like-minded people within the community. Our libraries also do many activities. Happy Easter. xx

  3. I saw both your chicks and the eggs in instagram and loved them. Which came first? The chicken or the egg?? It is lovely that your craft afternoon at the library goes well. I used to work in my local library, I went to the knitting group, but seemingly I sat in somebody's seat and my friend, yes , my friend, asked me to move!!


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