

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Q1 - softies

I finished those bears while ago but for some reason I did not share here. Since it is the last call to link up finishes for Q1 I'm making up this post.

Here is my original list: Q1 FAL list

I used both sides of the material.

I modified the original pattern for a bear. Just enlarged the ears and nose.

It was not the best quarter but that's fine 2/5

Linking up with:

finishalong logo 200px


  1. They are so cute! Perfect for little hands (and mouths!) Congratulations on your finishes!

  2. These little guys are so cute. I am happy to hear from you Vera.
    I hope you are doing superb and enjoying life

  3. But there were so many softies and cushions that you made! More like 10/13. ;)


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