

Sunday, September 1, 2013

August round up

Even though I haven't fulfill my 10 things this summer and the Lovely year of finishes goal I consider August as a pretty good month anyway. Here's a recap what I made this month.

Travel  bags for the girls, mesh bag for sand toys and beach bag.

I played with leather.
I played with vinyl.
I used scraps and created pillow cover.
Small pillow for travel use.
Groovy trivet.

I also made this trial broken herringbone block. If you haven't heard there is QAL ahead and all the fun starts this Monday. Check out more info if you interested and join the flickr group. I'm not sure if I'll be able to play along but we'll see. I'm turning my trial into pillow cover.
August was simply vacation oriented and that's absolutely fine. The pool, the beach, ice cream ... that's what the summer is all about. I hope everybody enjoyed theirs as well.
Linking up with
Lily's Quilts


  1. your pouches are awesome!

  2. all lovely makes - but love the groovy trivet the most!

  3. You have been very productive. The groovy trivet is wonderful. Thanks for the link to the broken herringbone block, I've wanted to have a go at this for a while.

  4. I'm glad you did this recap because I think missed some of things you made before. They are all gorgeous. I may need to do a recap post myself.

  5. I like the herringbone, that dense quilting in just one block is lovely. (It is nice to have a recap and see it all again - you have been much more productive than me this summer!)

  6. Wow I love your leather cube purse and the vinyl pouches - so clever :) stopping in from Fresh Sewing Day!

  7. Lovely projects, as always, Vera - I pinned the leather embellished zipper pouch - I haven't seen it before ... or if I did - I've forgotten - that's what happens when you get old, lol. It's gorgeous!

  8. I would say that August was a great month! I haven't sewn with leather or vinyl yet, how did you like sewing with them?


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