

Monday, September 16, 2013

Craft Book Month

September is Craft Book Month at Craft Buds. I took part in this hop last year and I'd like to take part this year as well. It's great opportunity to learn about those books out there. That's actually how I found Elizabeth Hartman and her Modern Patchwork book. I'm currently working on one of her patterns in it. I don't have many craft books though. I'm not really a collector. If I buy a book it means I have great intention to use it.

I'm going to share my favorite project from Patchwork, Please! by Ayumi Takahashi. I made the first one during the Zakka Along 2.0 which is still running. It turned out pretty well but it wasn't exactly the effect I was going for so I made second one. There is not much room in modifying paper pieced pattern but you can definitely make it your own by the fabric choice and few hand stitches. At least that's what I have done.

The second one is a gift for a friend of mine. She likes purple and blue so the color choice was based on that. I wasn't happy with prints so I went with solids this time around.

I pulled out some pearl cottons to create the center. In between the purples the turqouise sneaked in. Then I had hard time to decide on binding. Honestly I find the combination of purple and turquoise rather strange but it seems to work for this particular project. I wanted to use neutral at first but the turquoise just really brighten the whole thing.

The back is fairly simple. It looks like denim but it is regular cotton in purple shade. It'll be hard to let this one go. I might make one more for myself :-)


  1. Věri, tie podložky sú veľmi vydarené. Už prvá bola krásna, ale musím priznať, že tá druhá sa mi páči ešte viac :)

  2. Asi bych napsala to samé, co Katarína. První se mi moc líbila, ale ta druhá, ta je. Minulý týden jsem šila modrý hexagonový polštář, takže teď budu muset ušít i tuto podložku k tomu. Už jsem tady dnes nejméně podruhé, abych se koukla. :-)


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