

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WiP - cut, cut, cut

Sometimes it's all about cutting. You know those prep works than needs to be done. No more looking at the fabric stack just cut into it! Those are meant to become the Broken Herringbone stripes.

I'm not done yet. I need the sashing as well. Plus this is like 3/4 of the lot I need for the quilt top. If I calculated it right. Well, we'll see about that.

Last glimpse of those pretty scraps before they jump into bin.

Here's finished hexagon trivet I shared as a WiP last Wednesday. I absolutely love it. I love pretty much every finished project, lol.

Linking up with:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I have loads of cutting to do, if you have time......

  2. Those fabric strips are going to look wonderful in the broken herringbone blocks! Looking good, Vera! Love the embroidery on your trivet. Nice touch!

  3. Pretty trivet - the solids work really well in that design :) I bet your back was aching after all that cutting, lol --- if you end up cutting extra, you can always use it to bling up the backing! I got part of the cutting done last night for my next D9P quilt - I have to cut the blocks for the front of 2 quilts from that line, then I'll divvy up the leftover fabrics to use for the backing and binding :D

  4. Your trivet is lovely and those cut fabrics are going to make great broken herringbone stripes :)

  5. Yep. I know. I have a huge pile o fabric waiting for the rotary as we speak. Trouble is, I covered my cutting table with a painting project. I really should be less project manic! :)

  6. Anonymous19/9/13 03:06

    What beautiful colours. I'm looking forward to seeing the end result.

  7. Oooh, can't wait to see your broken herringbones! Wonderful fabrics.
    And i love the hand stitching on your trivet, it looks fantastic!

  8. I absolutely love your color choices. All that cutting is going to be so worth while. Can't wait to see your progress.

  9. oooo your broken herringbone is going to be so pretty! Can't wait to see it :)

  10. Your trivet is really pretty! Can't wait to see your Broken Herringbone come to life!! Love your fabrics already!



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