

Monday, September 30, 2013

September round up

As usual the month just flew by. Instead of getting my act together after the summer holidays I'm a bit lazy. The weather got colder and it just slowed me down. All I want to do is to get warm and do nothing. That's pretty all right. Do not worry. I usually take breaks. Different excuse each time I do it. I'm not persistent and I don't have a constant speed. I either sew like crazy or do nothing. So let's have a look on the round out, shall we.

I started with fabric baskets.
Christmas approaching fast. Better be prepared.
Testing out the Broken Herringbone pattern ended up as two pretty pillows.
I was part of Pin it blog hop. I enjoyed it very much.
I had some fun and giggle with you during the Le Challenge - Heroes theme.
I made another version of the Hexagon trivet and I love the outcome.
I finished fun House pouch and it was well received.
I finished and old knitting UFO as part of Crazy about wool blog hop.

I played with fabrics. I started the Broken Herringbone quilt as part of MSBHQAL. I got stuck for few days. I have to leave my original plan and I'm still working on a new one. It keeps changing or I better say evolving to make it more interesting, he he. This is where I'm at right now. Time for some purples and pinks. That might increase my speed.

Not so bad after all. I had fun for sure and that's what counts. No obligation but fun.

Linking up with
Lily's Quilts


  1. Anonymous1/10/13 00:15

    If I got that much done in a month, I would think I was super woman. Great work.

  2. Hey! When did you sneak in those cushions? Love what you have done with your in progress broken herringbone. It's evolving beautifully!! Of course I had to pin your cake pincushion and mug rugs - Sew-Weet! All your projects are fantabulous! And yes, Christmas is approaching fast... Only 85 days to go!

  3. You've had a great month! Your broken herringbone is amazing!

  4. wowsers what a list of loveliness

  5. I already love your herringbone quilt!

  6. Věrko, toto je typicky beranovský přístup. Znám to taky. Deka se rýsuje krásně.

  7. You've had a great month! I think I need to put the broken herringbone on my bucket list too.

  8. that's slow!! my whole year might look a little like that. Not sure how I missed the superhero pouch, but LOL (even if a little late!)

    Susan @theboredzombie

  9. Ahhh! The pillows, the herringbone.. love love!


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