

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blogosphere temptations

Have you noticed there is so much happening this month around the blogosphere? I'm feeling lazy and there is one temptation after another. I read some posts last night with the glass of wine instead of sitting behind my sewing machine. How do you choose if you going to participate or not? Do you make things just to be in the draw for prizes? Do you participate in link ups to get new readers? I'm a bit impulsive so I don't have a pattern or a clue what I'm doing. Most of the time I'll do it due to those people involved.

First I read about BlogtoberFest 2013. Sounds interesting. I do enjoy blogging but don't feel like doing it every day. Means pass for me.

Than I read about OctoberQuest 2. If I'll be able to finish any quilts this month I sure link up. It's like a upgraded TGIFF. So yeah who wouldn't like finished quilt.

I'm sure you heard about Purse Pallooza 2013. My goal is to finish at least one bag and join in. I like Sara's blog and I promised to make some Barbie bag to my girls anyway. I already started. Here's the front panel.

How about One Block Wonder SAL which already started. I would like to take part in that one since I bought the book while ago and still didn't touch it. So it means motivation!

October Across The Pond SAL has a cute skinny pincushion as a theme. So cute and seems doable. I do love those ladies involved so yeah it's on my list.

There are other linkies that I really like but decided I won't participate this month. Le Challenge with the theme Thriller really doesn't sparkle anything beside Michael Jackson. I took few pictures for the Quilt Photography workshop over @ Plum & June but they are no good so I'll pass on that one as well. 

A Lovely year of Finishes sounds good to me but I failed twice already. My goal for last month was to finish Ballerina quilt top. There is still hope I'll do it one day. I have few of those ballerinas left so I'm making an appliqué on my girl's T-shirt. Blanket stitch to be added. Count that as a WiP.

If I use any block of the And Sew On BoM and have finished product I'll be able to link up with the final linky this month. Doable? Who knows.

Plus I'm in Wicked Blog Hop. My day is on 23rd. No project yet but I have an idea which is always good.

I'm still working on Broken Herringbone quilt. It's part of MSBHQAL and I have already showed this picture so sorry for repeat. I decided that finished quilt top will be my goal for October (A Lovely year of Finishes). Thanks Melissa and others for encouragement. I'll give it a go. There is nothing to loose.

Linking up with
and WiP Wednesday. I do appreciate every encouraging comment. That's what I like about blogging the most! No matter how many followers I get there are few ladies and their support that keeps me going. Thank you!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Oh it is hard to pick what to join and what not to join! Don't want to over-commit either! I think you have a nice balance of things to join in! Loving how your herringbone quilt is coming together!

  2. At this point I'm not signing up for anything - I have a lot of things on my plate and am concentrating on finishing Christmas gifts (including 2 more quilts). I sometimes follow blog hops to see fun new projects or tutorials, but lots of them have so many blogs on each day that it's overwhelming - there's just not enough time in the day to check them all out. There's a For the Boys blog hop coming up next month that I'll follow (but not join in) - with 5 great-nephews I like to sew for, I'm always up for new boy things :D I don't mind watching and following, but joining in officially would just mean more things on my To Do list, and I'm not up for that now :D

  3. Oh Gosh I know what you mean. I was on a roll for a while getting one thing done at least, each month and blogging and doing. Then a glitch and all is off. Failure makes it hard to get going again. (note: only failure in my mind) So good to see you picking something and going with it. I think I will give it a go too. Love the broken herringbone!!! good luck

  4. I loved reading your post this morning. I've been hesitating on participating in some great projects myself that look like so much fun! But want to do a good job on the projects I am already involved in. I have project remorse-but can't do them all. I love your purse palooza project-can't wait to see that finished! I have that great herringbone quilt on my mental list, and wish I would have jumped in on that project! Yours is going to be beautiful! Oh.. and I love your dinosaur photo! Great picture!

  5. Love your MSBHQAL blocks! And your barbie purse. As for me, I pin all the "alongs" in the hopes that someday, somehow, I'll do something. The only blog I really ever link up to is Freshly Pieced...cause I got a lot of WIPs....

  6. there is definitely lots of temptation and many wonderful things going on out there. do what you love is what I say! I only participate if it fits with what i'm working on at the time or if it really, really inspires me.

    love your Barbie silhouette!

  7. I hear you! So many things to do, so little time. Nice work thinking about what fits your voice and your life. I'm not too sure about blogging everyday for 31 days. For me, that one would end with lots of filler posts that aren't really well thought out. Painful for readers right?

  8. Anonymous3/10/13 02:12

    Good luck with your broken Herringbone. That's an interesting quilt. You are accomplishing a lot, even if it isn't what you set out to do.

    1. Thank you. I hope to see you during the October final link up.

  9. The broken herringbone is going to be beautiful!

  10. Lots of good tips here! I couldn't help but feel out of touch online as many of the groups I've been following have wrapped up or fallen off. Thanks a bunch for the inspiration pick-me-up.

  11. I adore your herringbone blocks. Can't wait to see your finished quilt :)

  12. Love your herringbone blocks! And i've been going through my wip list for Q4 FAL projects and after seeing what i have on my plate already... i won't be joining anything for the next fifty years or so!

  13. Ty jedeš dobře crazy. :-) Tak jako v září, tak i v říjnu jsem polovinu měsíce pryč, do toho páteř říká, že na žíněnku a ne ke stroji :-), tak nestíhám nic. Mě by zničilo už sepsání tak dlouhého blogu. :-) Držím pěsti, ať se ti toho podaří, co nejvíce. Ta kabelečka vypadá moc pěkně.

  14. Phew. . you made me tired just looking at all of those! Many things that I've not even know about helping runn #ALYoF

    No failures in not meeting your goal, just another opportunity to try again. This months goal looks great and can not wait to see when you finish it. I can not wait to complete a version of this myself.

  15. I am glad you are giving A Lovely Year of Finishes another go! You know you don't have to dream as big as having a quilt top finished. Plus you should make the Le Challenge and the Wicked blog hop coincide, that's what I am wickedly doing!


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