

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Zakka Along prize

Woohoo, happy dance! Look what I got in the mail :-)

I was lucky to win this huge prize during the Zakka Along 2.0 - 1/2 yard bundle of Essex and Essex yarn dyed linen from Robert Kaufman + $20 gift certificate to Pink Chalk Fabrics.

I never even had Essex linen in my hands so it's much appreciated. I'm not making plans for those yet since I have way too many things on the go. These will sit on the shelf for a while.

As a cherry on top here's what I got from Pink Chalk Fabrics. Two charm packs of Winter's Lane. I saw this line on Kristy's blog and also Amy made some pretty pillow. Can you believe they were on sale for $4.73 each, yay!! So I added some Michele D'Amore Word Play Dots White. Win, win!

Big thank you to sponsors plus Lindsey and Debbie for organizing the Zakka Along!

Linking up with Sunday Stash over @ Finding Fifth.


  1. oh my gosh - that was one awesome win! So happy for you! Thanks for sewing along!!

  2. Nice haul! Congrats on the win. So much fabric goodness!

  3. Those colours are gorgeous - can't decide whether I like the brights or neutrals best. And I can't wait to see what you do with the charm packs - they look very delicate and pretty.

  4. Yay for you on your beautiful prize wins!! They are so pretty!


  5. This was for the shopping bag that you made? I loved your post, so glad you won and Essex linen is lovely and charm packs for less than 5 bucks, AWESOME!

  6. what a beautiful selection of fabrics! :)

  7. oh my gosh, the linen!! so happy for you, enjoy it!

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