

Monday, September 23, 2013

Crazy about wool blog hop

Welcome to my stop of Crazy about wool organized by Denise from Pieced Brain.

At first I wanted to share about felting wool but on Thursday I had my aha moment and thought about knitting project. I used to knit a lot. Since I was kid I tent to handcrafts rather than sports. My aunt taught me how to knit and crochet. These days I only knit socks from time to time. Those are not intended for regular use but I call them sleeping socks. I have cold feet and I wear those to bed. When my feet get warm they slide off quite easily. When making socks the first one goes well and quick but then there is a trouble to finish the second one to the pair. This time around I tried to make both at once. Good idea right? Well I had those unfinished in the box for almost a year so this was great opportunity to finish my UFO.

Bunch of needles. These are more than 20 years old.

It used to be scarf. So they kind of upcycled. Only tiny bit left.

With other recently finished pair. You can see how thick they are :-) Extra thick.

I planned to make project out of these pretty pinks. I have started but it's not finished.
Early stage of felted ball. I use felting needles.
Some previously made jewelry using felted balls.
Paired with wooden beads.

Have a look what others created:
Monday, September 23


  1. Very beautiful creations! I used to knit all the time but it has been a couple years now.

  2. Anonymous23/9/13 01:45

    What great sleeping socks. Do you have a pattern for them?

  3. Love those socks!!! I haven't knit socks in many years but they were fun to make!! I will be checking out the blog hop too - thanks for the reminder!!

  4. What a neat idea of using the felted balls to create jewelry! How clever!


  5. I too have knitted socks but they were knitted in-the-round with four needles per sock. Knitting them both at once is a good idea and one I will try next. I love the variegated wool and your socks turned out so colorful and cosy looking.

  6. I have a pair of socks my grandmother knitted some time ago and i love them!! I think it's time to ask her for a new pair or I could try myself!

  7. Your socks do look extra warm and the jewelry you make is beautiful, I am always just astounded by your talent.

  8. I love your socks and it must feel good to get them finished. I have only ever started one pair of knitted socks. There is one beautiful sock in the box in the cupboard :D. I like to crochet bed socks. Your felted jewellery looks great.

  9. Great socks! Love them. It is such a great thing to have wool socks in winter. So glad my mother-in-law is still knitting for us! I just can't knit socks! And the jewelry is beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. I bought wool to make socks a year ago but still have not made them , I need some help as it would be a first for me . I love your socks and can relate to cold feet . Your felted jewelry is lovely thanks for sharing !

  11. The socks look super comfy and warm...and beautiful! Your felted jewelry is really nice too!

  12. Anonymous23/9/13 12:58

    I especially love the red socks. They look so warm!

  13. I love your knitted socks but the felted jewelry is delightful. I had thought of felting jewelry but now you've given me the idea I can see several Christmas presents being made soon.

  14. Hello Vera, Your finished knitted socks are very neat and colorful..The shades of Pink wool roving is grogeous. Love your felted ball jewelery.. I also love to do felting both wet and needle felted.. Lovely blog. Happy to meet you. Hugs Judy

  15. I love to knit socks and wear them because like you my feet get cold too and nothing feels better than wearing hand knit socks on my feet. You socks are beautiful too. Do you always make them with 2 needles? I knit with circular or double pointed needles. Great felted wool projects too.

  16. Vera how awesome! Love the upcycled socks and the felted ball necklace beads are so cool! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Your socks are so pretty and cozy! Your jewelry is gorgeous!


  18. Such pretty snuggly wool projects. The colors and textures are beautiful in all of them!

  19. Vera, they are beautiful! Believe it or not, two weeks ago I decided to learn how to knit socks two at a time, so I walked into a yarn store and... Well, you will need to find out the rest of the story on my blog this week, as I will feature the teacher. I am just now working on the gussets, so I can't show them yet... You will have to tell me more details about how you knitted yours! And the jewelry... it is gorgeous!!!

  20. Fun socks! I have so many friends that knit socks, but so far I've resisted--I may need to learn how soon....

  21. love the jewelry you make...

  22. Oooo - I love your wool jewelry pieces!!! And your socks are totally fun and funky :*)

  23. Anonymous23/9/13 18:01

    I wish I knew how to knit socks! I only know basic knitting. I bet they really would be cozy for sleeping especially in winter!

  24. I love your socks! Can't remember who makes them, but I have both a pair of socks and gloves that are unmatched pairs (intentionally) in BRIGHT colors and funky patterns. Lots of compliments when I wear them.

  25. Great socks! Are they the EZ moccasin socks?

  26. Love your socks, what it the pattern for the first pair with the red feet. I've never seen socks done like that before but I do want to try them. I do my socks with a circular needle one at a time. Like you the first one is speedy the second not so much fun. Love the jewlery too. great look with the wooden beads.

  27. Your socks look so cozy and warm. I'm with you and cold feet so those socks must feel great. Your jewelry is fabulous! Thanks for sharing!

  28. I've never seen socks made that way on two needles; looks really nifty

  29. What fun felted jewelry! But those socks!! That is on my bucket list to learn. Fantastic.

  30. Oh my gosh, I want to make a pair of those red socks. Just a slight problem...I don't know how to knit. They are awesome.

  31. Beautiful socks and the necklaces are very pretty.

  32. I love love your socks. I cannot make them without having ladders! So frustrating - so I gave up! Your felted jewelry is pretty also.
    Thank you for sharing with us today!
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  33. I would never have thought to make beads... your jewelry is beautiful.. and so are the socks

  34. That is so creative how you thought to upcycle the scarf into socks! Love it!!

  35. Wow your knitted socks are fabulous. Upcycling a scarf is a great idea. Love the felted jewelry too. I hope you share your pink wool project when you finish it. Thank you for participating in this wonderful hop. Creative Bliss...

  36. Beautiful wool socks and very cool jewelry!

  37. Dieser Schmuck sieht toll aus ! Echt klasse !

    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland

  38. Wow, I love them all, and especially those socks :)


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