

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

B side

Last week when I finished the quilt top Summertime sadness I talked with my friend about the B side. Thank you all for all your positive feedback. I felt like I created something special. Being in such good mood I pulled out the remaining fabrics and cut them into strips. When I saw all those stripes I got an idea of jelly roll kind of quilt. I have never done any so why not.

I can't help it but I'm sorting by the color order. I didn't like it too much at the beginning but as more and more colors occurred on my wall it started to look better. 

Those with white background didn't seem to fit at first. 

Not bad but it wasn't big enough. Lucky for me I have only sewed together first couple of rows. I pulled out all the leftovers and enlarged the blue and green section. It's not in exact color order since I didn't want to use seam ripper and I felt like I can do a little mixture. The pink section will be there as well but my designer's wall is not big enough to hold the whole thing. Here's what I'm looking at right now.

I'm only sewing couple of rows at the time as there are other projects screaming for attention. Once I'm done it'll go to local quilting pro. I know her personally so I'm excited about that. She only has pages in Czech but you can have a peak at her gallery which doesn't really need any words. 

Linking up with
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Oh wow, this is beautiful! I love the mixture of prints and solids!

  2. ohhhh nice! Way to use it. I love it when the back is as pretty as the front!

  3. Very nice! I love that you call it Side B, a 2 for 1 kind of quilt set! Very nicely done!

  4. Vera, I love it! Gorgeous! I love the solid and print combo, it's just beautiful!

  5. That looks nice. Its funny when you look at it as a whole things that wouldn't seem to work together really do compliment each other.

  6. Fantastic Vera! I love the mix of the solids and the prints, it's a nice balance.
    And to have it in colour order... yum!

  7. Yes, I love the strip piecing. Just brilliant.

  8. I love all that color!! Beautiful!

  9. I've been meaning to do a jellyroll 1600 type of quilt - I even have a couple of jellyrolls for it - I just haven't gotten to it yet! I was thinking about doing one change to the design - alternating the angle of the joins -- l-r and r-l - I'll have to test it first though to see if I like it :D Your side B is going to be great!

  10. LOVE it! The color play is fabulous!

  11. I love this - also small world. I studied in Prague during college. I loved it there and CZ in general - so beautiful and so much history.

  12. I love the pattern, it makes it look so vintage!


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