

Friday, November 15, 2013

Summertime sadness

You know people are naming their quilts and I thought what if I'll be naming my quilts by the song titles. This one isn't really a quilt yet but Summertime sadness came to mind. Not the slow version of Lana Del Rey song but the catchy dance tune which they still play on the radio around here. Even though I like both versions. I do have some songs associated with some people or certain memories so why not quilts. Good idea? Bad idea? Tell me what you think about it :-) One day I might do it the other way round. Make a quilt based on a song. I already know which one that would be, lol.

I know none of you really liked the idea of adding half column to the side but I did not have enough fabrics to make the whole column and I did not want this quilt to be skinny rectangle. So there it is and it looks just fine to me. For those of you unaware I made this quilt based on Broken Herringbone tut by Anne @ Play Crafts.

My fav part is the mixture of Urban mod and Oval elements.
The only tip I should give you based on my experience is watch the center of the block. It so easy to get off center. The ironing part and laying on the cutting board is really important and you should not pull your fabrics. All of my columns are actually different width due to my not so perfect trimming skills, lol. All together it ended up as 42.5 x 73".

The picture taking is getting harder. The days are getting short and the weather is not suitable either. I would like to say my part is done but I'll be doing the B side as well and it'll be even more colorful than the front. Stay tuned.

I ironed the seams off the white sashing and towards it while joing the columns.

Linking up with TGIFF and Crazy mom quilts.


  1. What's funny is, I really don't love the half strip when it's on the backing, but I ove it hanging I the breeze! I think you were right and the extra width is definitely a good :-)
    E xx

  2. The half strip looks great...I think it adds a little personality to the quilt. Great job.

  3. This is gorgeous! I've never seen someone do longer broken herringbone blocks (I've always just seen squares) and I really like the look it gives! I also think the half strip works well and I'm sure you'll be glad to have the extra width to snuggle in. :)

    Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting

  4. It's so beautiful! And I like the name, love that song, too.

  5. More like summertime happiness :). I too love the elongated strips --- suits the design so well and your colors, as you know, are tops :D

  6. really pretty. Not sure I like the sadness association though :-)

  7. Yum! I love this color palette! And I love the half strip. I can't wait to see your plans for the back and how you are going to quilt it! Super fab! :)

  8. Your design is simply stunning, Vera! And I like the column on the side. I am not into symmetry. I must be a little off kilter myself. Hee, hee! Can't wait to see what you do for the backing!

  9. PS> Love the name you chose for this quilt!

  10. I once made a quilt named Grace Under Fire (the name of a television show I used to watch) because a lady named Grace gave me most of the fabrics. I thought it was appropriate to name it after her, lol! I've also been known to name quilts after television shows I was watching when I finished up the quilt :D

    Love those blocks and that colour palette - the flimsy is gorgeous! That quilt will be a work of art when it's finished!

  11. This is really beautiful - the quilt has such movement. I never name my quilts really so no input from me on that score I'm afraid!

  12. My husband names all of my quilts after songs too!! Although he always always always chooses "classic" songs - the most recent one was "Dancing in September". I love the half strip, makes you almost think the quilt is just folded in half...

  13. IN LOVE with this! Amazing job! I love the visual interest!

  14. I always think of this question: If your life was a movie, what songs would be on your soundtrack?" So I always have a song that makes me think of certain quilts and projects! I think the quilt looks fantastic, maybe you could put a half row on the other side, but really I think it looks great in all its rainbowy glory!

  15. I started to name my quilts after songs, but I gave up after two or three, because I could never think of a good one. I love the colours of this quilt, and the half strip is great. I like things a little off symmetrical.

  16. What a pretty quilt top! Love the colors you used!

  17. The transition in coloring is fantastic! I need to do a herringbone one of these quilty days!

  18. I love the colours! I also like the asymmetry of the half-width block. This is my first visit, via the TGIFF linkup, I'm off to poke around your blog some more now!

  19. Looks fantastic Vera! Can't wait to see what you do for the back and the quilting!
    And i've pretty much given up on naming my quilts, i'm just rubbish at it!

  20. I have mixed feelings about names for quilts. I like them when they fit the quilt and when they lead me to look again because I missed something. I feel cheated when I look again and don't find. I suppose the blue in your quilt led to Summertime Sadness, but with all that red, I can't feel sadness looking at it. That it is a song title isn't helping me since I don't know the song. Don't know if knowing the lyrics would make a difference. meanwhile, I like the quilt and I think the half row works.

  21. This is gorgeous! I think it's a great idea to name quilts after songs and I'm really looking forward to seeing the other side :)

  22. I can't wait to see what you come up with for the back, and I love the half side!

  23. Really pretty design and colors, and a great name, too!

  24. This quilt is so beautiful! I love your colors and how you placed them!!
    The narrower strip is beautiful.{ I happen to love it on the right side... with those segments, slowly moving upward....}


  25. Love the half strip, especially as it is asymmetrical. I tend to see quilts as having a top and a bottom, and, to my eye, the blue end is definitely the top of your quilt.

    I like the idea of naming quilts after songs. I imagine, in the future, I will probably name at least a couple of quilts after song titles. The name you chose is interesting because it reminds me of a name that I love for a girl, but I would never name my daughter because it may give her a complex. The name is Winter Grievance (first and middle names). I think it sounds beautiful, but, like I said, it may give a child a complex :)

  26. Beautiful quilt and I like the way you designed the rows!


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