

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Triangles - April goal

This is where I'm at. Still on time for the WK2 link up. I tried to be accurate as much as I could but you know there is a reason why I call my blog negligent style :-)

The Sassy Quilter

I'm more familiar with centimeters and my ruler is 15cm wide so I precut the strips 15cm which is tiny bit less than 6". My triangle ruler is in inches and I used the mark below 6" so we'll see how this mixture of measurements will end up. It still looks like triangles :-)

I'm making this quilt my goal for April even though I'm quite sceptical with the result. March was a failure and I didn't even make the usual round up post as the days are just slipping away too fast. 
Linking up with ALYoF


  1. I think you'll be OK with your cutting - as long as it is consistent is what I always hear ;) Your fabrics are fab! Can't wait to see them all sewn up!

  2. If you cut the triangles accurately it will be all right. It's only a question of wastage if the strip is wider than the height of the triangle template. I'm having the same problem because I'm using the Marti Michell triangle.

  3. Those are pretty fabrics! I have no doubt that you'll find a way to make things work :D

  4. Love your fabric choices, Vera. The gray in the mix will look fabulous!

  5. Very pretty fabrics! I must say that my triangles are not perfect,probably because I am not perfect. I think they will do though!

  6. I like the grey with the mix of colors. That should be fun with the mix units of measurements :)


  7. I adore your colour/fabric usual. I'm looking forward to following along on this quilt.

  8. Loving your fabrics for this one Vera! Can't wait to see it come together!
    Someday i'll make a triangle quilt!

  9. Hi!!!! I love your fabrics!!!! Very pretty!!!! I can't wait to see it finished!!!!!

  10. You're ahead of me! I still just have a stack a fabric waiting to be cut.


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