

Friday, April 4, 2014

Voila voile

I had this piece of voile for a while and I decided it's about time to turn it into scarf. It is Anna Maria Horner voile called Innocent crush. Those colors are probably my fav. I made it up yesterday as I felt like I need something handmade for attending a quilt show.

It looks all right on picture but it gets really flat on the neck. I mostly used it to put the camera strap on so it wouldn't scratch my neck, lol. It worked. What exactly did I visit? It is called Prague Patchwork Meeting.

I liked the quilts better this year. I'll show you some later on. To me it's more a social thing. I went with my local friends. We took the train and just had a good time.

Of course I went to see my friend and her booth. Do you spot anything familiar in there? :-)
That makes the story about quilt made for a quilt show complete.

Linking up with TGIFF and Crazy mom quilts.


  1. I have some voile that I thought would make perfect infinity scarves... Do you have a pattern to share?

  2. Oh, ya! Love the new scarf, Vera. And I could never get enough of your improv broken herringbone. Perfect setting! Glad you had a fun time with your crew!

  3. your scarf is lovely :)

  4. Pretty scarf! I spy with my little eye, something that is very familiar ... in a herringbone type of way :D Did you do much shopping @ the quilt show?

  5. Beautiful infinity scarf!

  6. Ten tvůj quilt se tam vyjímá moc pěkně. Je krásný.

  7. I'm not going to Prague after all - I hope you have lots of photos!

  8. Anonymous6/4/14 01:35

    Gorgeous scarf Vera! Love AMH voiles. Looks like you had a great time at the show! Marie x (

  9. The scarf is beautiful. I`m glad you had so much fun at the show. There`s nothing like, getting out with some friends, for a quilting adventure.

  10. Pretty scarf and I like the train photo. Such fun to see your quilt in the quilt show :)



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