

Sunday, May 5, 2019

OMG - 05 May the 4th

I haven't finished any OMG this year yet. I have set up just one in January but I haven't finished those cushions.

Yesterday it was May the 4th which is Star Wars day as it translates into May the force be with you the classic line form SW series. I managed to cut out all the pieces and quilted yellow, red, turquoise.

It's made up out of 3 circles in case you would like to make your own. I used the template to lay the pieces prior ironing. I'm making 3 different sizes. Where is the SW theme? Well there will be the head of Darth Vader right in the middle. You can check out my previous creation here.

Red and turquoise zippers will work just fine. These will be part of my #the100dayproject too.
Linking up with:


  1. This is beautiful although it looks very tricky to me. I'm interested in seeing the finish.

  2. That is really cool! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  3. These are really cute logos. You are really good at delicate work and making it look superb. Excellent Vera

  4. I tried appliqué circles a couple of times but they were very rough and ready . Yours are great for

  5. I read your blog on daily basis. This is really great and informative post. Thanks for sharing.


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