I usually say I only sew for fun. I don't sell the things I make as I don't want to be obligated to produce something but there are times when I sort of force myself to do things. Yes, I'm talking about these cute bags. I made those my goal for January and I just did not want to fail. Last year I linked up with Lovely year of finishes four times and fail in all of them. So I chose rather achievable goal this time around and I'm glad I did since our entire family is sick. Not much sewing happening but lots of tea, tissues and TV. We are getting better otherwise I wouldn't finish those. I used the fab tutorial by Ayumi which you can find HERE.
The Hello Kitty print is on both sides. I add extra layer of batting to the bottom for stability. There is nothing inside those bags on any of these pics.
So far we are having really mild winter. We had about an inch of snow for couple of days but we back to damp awfulness. It is perfect weather for spreading viruses but not so perfect for winter fun. We haven't been able to built proper snowman yet.
These two are slightly bigger than the first one I made. The one in front has been already used and washed. You can also see how bad the colors look indoor :-)
Linking up with Lovely Year of Finishes - HURRAY!!
plus TGIFF and Crazy mom quilts.