Tuesday, March 4, 2014

And the winner is ....

No we are not talking about the Oscars. I wanted to add feature of numbering the comments but it doesn't seem to work so we had to do the draw in old fashioned way. I had couple of assistants or was it zombie parade passing by? Who knows.

One of them dig deep ....

and the winner is Wendy! Congrats!

I included everyone who commented. Anyway ...

Linda - no idea what is open ID, there is no email address or your web site so I don't actually know if you have any blog and you do appear as no-reply.

Chirpy - you are also no-reply. If I click on your profile I don't see anything but two blogs you follow. If you have a blog you might want to include the web page link.

Often I click on profiles of those who comment. I want to check what they are working on. Some of you don't have link to your blog. Does that mean you don't have any? Some only have google+ profile and there are not any links to your sites either. Just saying but you might want to check your settings.


  1. how exciting! thanks so much Vera.
    I know what you mean, I like to click over to my commenter's blogs (though i've got a list bookmarked and I'm overdue a visit!), but when Google+ pops up, I don't know how to find the blog link. I hate Google+ with a passion!

  2. Your adorable helper did a great job, Vera - yay and congratulations Wendy! (I'm with her on the Olympics, hehe)

  3. And I'm with her on Google+ as well -- one of the blogs I visit is hooked up to that Google+ and since I'm not, I can't comment on her blog - crappy set-up, as far as I'm concerned!

  4. Anonymous5/3/14 06:20

    Hi, I don't have a blog. I follow you by AOL email. Thanks for counting me in, anyway! 8-) I appreciate it.

    xo Linda

  5. Congrats to Wendy! And thanks for trying to help everyone figure out why they never win a contest or get replies to their lovely comments. I see you have been super busy commenting on all the linkers for the Let's Bee Social. Thank you! And have a great day, Vera!


Comments are the spice of blogging. I love them all. Thanks for stopping by.